The Fool

Classic tarot card image of The Fool
  • Watch for new projects and new beginnings
  • Prepare to take something on faith
  • Something new comes your way; go for it
  • freedom
  • faith
  • inexperience
  • innocence


  • Freeing yourself from limitation
  • Expressing joy and youthful vigor
  • Being open-minded
  • Taking a leap of faith
  • Attuning yourself to your instincts
  • Being eager or curious
  • Exploring your potential
  • Embracing innovation and change


  • Being gullible and naive
  • Taking unnecessary risks
  • Failing to be serious when required
  • Being silly or distracted
  • Lacking experience
  • Failing to honor well-established traditions and limits
  • Behaving inappropriately

The Magician

Classic tarot card image of The Magician
  • A powerful man may play a role in your day
  • Your current situation must be seen as one element of a much larger plan
  • capability
  • empowerment
  • activity


  • Taking appropriate action
  • Receiving guidance from a higher power
  • Becoming a channel of divine will
  • Expressing masculine energy in appropriate and constructive ways
  • Being yourself in every way


  • Inflating your own ego
  • Abusing talents
  • Manipulating or deceiving others
  • Being too aggressive
  • Using cheap illusions to dazzle others
  • Refusing to invest the time and effort needed to master your craft
  • Taking shortcuts

High Priestess

Classic tarot card image of High Priestess
  • A mysterious woman arrives
  • A sexual secret may surface
  • Someone knows more than he or she will reveal
  • intuition
  • reflection
  • purity
  • initiation


  • Listening to your feelings and intuitions
  • Exploring unconventional spirituality
  • Keeping secrets
  • Being receptive
  • Reflecting instead of acting
  • Observing others
  • Preserving purity


  • Being aloof
  • Obsessing on secrets and conspiracies
  • Rejecting guidance from spirit or intuition
  • Revealing all
  • Ignoring gut feelings
  • Refusing to become involved, even when involvement is appropriate

The Empress

Classic tarot card image of The Empress
  • Pregnancy is in the cards
  • An opportunity to be involved in luxurious sexuality is coming
  • Beware a tendency toward addiction
  • fertility
  • productivity
  • ripeness
  • nurturing


  • Nurturing yourself and others
  • Bearing fruit
  • Celebrating your body
  • Bearing (literal or figurative) children
  • Reveling in luxury
  • Mothering those around you in positive ways
  • Enjoying your sexuality
  • Getting things done


  • Overindulging
  • Being greedy
  • Smothering someone with attention
  • Debilitating someone by being overprotective
  • Inhibiting productivity by obsessing on productivity
  • Being overcome by addictive behavior

The Emperor

Classic tarot card image of The Emperor
  • A father figure arrives
  • A new employer or authority figure will give you orders
  • Expect discipline or correction in the near future
  • authority
  • regulation
  • direction
  • structure


  • Exercising authority
  • Defining limits
  • Directing the flow of work
  • Communicating clear guidelines
  • Being in control of yourself and others
  • Tempering aggressive masculinity with wisdom and experience


  • Micromanaging
  • Crushing the creativity of others with a rigid, iron-fisted approach
  • Insisting on getting your own way
  • Assuming a dictatorial mindset
  • Using overt force to achieve your goals and maintain order

The Hierophant

Classic tarot card image of The Hierophant
  • Expect to be caught in a misdeed and punished accordingly
  • Pray for forgiveness and confess wrongdoings
  • A more experienced man, spiritual leader, or father figure will come into your life
  • guidance
  • knowledge
  • revelation
  • belief


  • Teaching or guiding others
  • Searching for the truth
  • Asking for guidance from a higher power
  • Acknowledging the wisdom and experience of others
  • Taking vows
  • Engaging in heartfelt rituals
  • Volunteering


  • Using experience as a means of manipulating or misguiding others
  • Being dogmatic
  • Favoring tradition over what is expedient or necessary
  • Going through the motions of empty rituals
  • Concealing wisdom
  • Restricting access to spiritual truths or the gods

The Lovers

Classic tarot card image of The Lovers
  • A new personal or professional relationship blossoms
  • Sexual opportunities abound
  • Unexpectedly, a friend becomes a lover
  • love
  • passion
  • unity
  • choice


  • Being in love
  • Showing your love to others
  • Expressing passion or romantic feelings
  • Aligning yourself with groups or like-minded others
  • Bringing people together
  • Making well-informed decisions


  • Debilitating passion
  • Allowing an unhealthy desire for love to motivate destructive behavior
  • Disrupting unity
  • Working against the best interests of those who care about you
  • Ill-informed decisions

The Chariot

Classic tarot card image of The Chariot
  • Victory is a certainty
  • Move ahead with all plans
  • Beware the jealousy of others
  • advancement
  • victory
  • triumph
  • success


  • Breaking through barriers
  • Moving forward with confidence and authority
  • Reaching the pinnacle of success
  • Basking in the glory of achievement
  • Guiding an effort to total victory
  • Establishing yourself as a worthy leader


  • Resting on laurels
  • Riding roughshod over the feelings or expectations of others
  • Focusing more on past successes than future opportunities
  • Failing to rein in impulsive behavior


Classic tarot card image of Strength
  • Your self-control will be tested
  • A woman will seek to change her partner or lover
  • You are a strong, capable person
  • discipline
  • boldness
  • self-discipline
  • power
  • vitality


  • Imposing restrictions on yourself for your own benefit
  • Bringing your passions under the control of reason
  • Resisting impulses that work against your best interests
  • Taking bold action


  • Indulging weakness, even when you know it will damage your health and happiness
  • Languishing in addiction
  • Allowing your instincts to tame and conquer you
  • Failing to take a stand when necessary

The Hermit

Classic tarot card image of The Hermit
  • A period of loneliness begins
  • One partner in a relationship departs
  • A search for love or money proves fruitless
  • solitude
  • experience
  • stillness
  • withdrawal


  • Becoming or seeking out a guru
  • Going on a retreat
  • Recharging spiritual or creative batteries
  • Lighting the way for those with less experience
  • Stepping back to gain perspective


  • Being a loner
  • Fearing contact with others
  • Becoming a know-it-all
  • Inflating claims of expertise
  • Hiding your skills and talents out of fear of unworthiness

The Wheel

Classic tarot card image of The Wheel
  • Some events are in the hands of heaven
  • You've lived through this before
  • What happened then?
  • luck
  • randomness
  • cycles
  • karma
  • fate
  • revolution


  • Allowing events to unfold
  • Seeing the larger pattern in everyday events
  • Trusting your luck
  • Watching for cycles
  • Believing that "what goes around, comes around"


  • Losing money gambling
  • Refusing to do your part to bring a plan to fruition
  • Taking a fatalistic approach to life
  • Fighting the natural course of events


Classic tarot card image of Justice
  • A legal verdict will be rendered soon
  • Someone is making a decision
  • You need to get the facts
  • balance
  • law
  • fairness
  • objectivity


  • Making an objective decision
  • Weighing an issue carefully before taking action
  • Appropriately scaling your reaction to a situation
  • Getting all the facts
  • Considering evidence
  • Deliberating


  • Delivering harsh criticism
  • Obsessing on rules and regulations
  • Playing by the book even when it is destructive or counterproductive to do so
  • Confusing snap decisions with timely action
  • Playing favorites

The Hanged Man

Classic tarot card image of The Hanged Man
  • A traitor is revealed
  • One of your friends is working against you
  • Change your ways or suffer the consequences
  • enlightenment
  • sacrifice
  • perspective
  • suspension
  • reversals


  • Seeing growth opportunities in unpleasant events
  • Experiencing a dramatic change in personal perspective
  • Making the best of an unforeseen change in your life or work
  • Suspending disbelief
  • Making sacrifices


  • Being untrue to yourself and your values
  • Refusing to make sacrifices when appropriate
  • Refusing to adapt to new situations
  • Blaming others
  • Profiting at the expense of others


Classic tarot card image of Death
  • A relationship or illness ends suddenly
  • Limit travel and risk-taking
  • General gloom and doom
  • ending
  • conclusion
  • transition
  • passage
  • departure


  • Bringing an unpleasant phase of life to an end
  • Recognizing and celebrating the conclusion of something
  • Putting bad habits to rest
  • Becoming a new person
  • Leaving one person, place, or thing for another
  • Letting go


  • Obsessing on death and dying
  • Refusing to give up old habits or unhealthy relationships
  • Insisting that everything and everyone should stay the same forever
  • Failing to take good care of yourself


Classic tarot card image of Temperance
  • Someone's using drugs or alcohol to excess
  • It's time to get back on that diet
  • blending
  • synthesis
  • mediation
  • combination
  • harmony


  • Bringing opposites together
  • Moderating your actions or emotions
  • Finding middle ground
  • Reaching compromises
  • Synthesizing solutions that please everyone involved
  • Using the old to make something new


  • Going to extremes
  • Disrupting group efforts
  • Ignoring healthy approaches to life
  • Becoming an addict
  • Practicing gluttony
  • Tearing something or someone apart
  • Breaking alliances

The Devil

Classic tarot card image of The Devil
  • Adultery and unfaithfulness
  • A string of extremely bad luck is coming your way
  • Beware evil influences and wolves in sheep's clothing
  • shadow
  • materialism
  • bondage
  • delusion


  • Appreciating the luxuries that life has to offer
  • Being comfortable in your own skin
  • Enjoying your sexuality
  • Splurging on an expensive personal item
  • Embracing the fact that everyone has a darker side
  • Dealing with unhealthy impulses in healthy ways


  • Putting excessive emphasis on appearances
  • Always wanting more
  • Valuing possessions more than people or relationships
  • Allowing base instincts to govern your life
  • Being selfish
  • Attributing your own dark impulses to outside forces or other people

The Tower

Classic tarot card image of The Tower
  • Impending disaster
  • Cancel plans and reverse decisions
  • Someone wants to take you down a notch or two
  • Don't hold back; say what you really mean
  • demolition
  • upheaval
  • deconstruction
  • disaster
  • destruction


  • Breaking out of old, confining habits and mindsets
  • Clearing the way for new growth
  • Dispelling the influence of an inflated ego
  • Getting back to basics
  • Stripping away harmful illusions
  • Receiving sudden insight


  • Clinging to traditions that repress growth
  • Engaging in willful blindness
  • Rejecting evidence that change is needed
  • Ignoring guidance from a higher power
  • Maliciously engaging in destructive behavior

The Star

Classic tarot card image of The Star
  • Get an astrology chart drawn up
  • Someone is a little too starstruck
  • What's happening now has long been fore-ordained
  • hope
  • optimism
  • openness
  • certainty
  • faith
  • longing
  • truth


  • Hoping for the best
  • Believing good things happen to good people
  • Seeing events in the best possible light
  • Adopting a generous spirit
  • Seeking guidance from above
  • Embracing possibility over probability


  • Denying unpleasant truths
  • Denying personal accountability and saying, "Things just happen!"
  • Ignoring signs and omens
  • Preferring illusion to reality
  • Spreading pessimism and stinginess of spirit

The Moon

Classic tarot card image of The Moon
  • Watch for problems at the end of the month
  • Someone you know needs to howl at the moon more often
  • Someone is about to change his or her mind about an important decision
  • mystery
  • fantasy
  • imagination
  • dreams
  • uncertainty


  • Enjoying healthy fantasies and daydreams
  • Using your imagination
  • Practicing magic or celebrating the magic of everyday life
  • Attuning yourself to the cycles of nature
  • Embracing the unknown


  • Becoming unable to separate fantasy from reality
  • Suffering from delusions
  • Losing your appreciation for the fantastic or magical
  • Adopting a ruthlessly logical mindset
  • Failing to appreciate life's mysteries

The Sun

Classic tarot card image of The Sun
  • Everything's coming up roses (or sunflowers, whatever the case may be)
  • Whatever's on your mind, go for it because you can't lose today
  • joy
  • brilliance
  • validation
  • attention
  • energy


  • Seeing things clearly
  • Experiencing intense joy
  • Celebrating your own successes
  • Knowing you're good at what you do
  • Gaining recognition for your personal genius


  • Being dazzled by your own accomplishments
  • Becoming absorbed in your own self-image
  • Feeling rushed and distracted
  • Exerting yourself to the point of exhaustion
  • Overstating your abilities or misrepresenting your achievements


Classic tarot card image of Judgement
  • An old issue you thought was over will come up again today
  • Get ready for huge changes: break-ups, sudden calls from old friends, and unexpected setbacks
  • God's trying to get your attention
  • revival
  • renewal
  • resurrection
  • evaluation
  • invitation


  • Receiving a wake-up call
  • Discovering a new purpose in life
  • Becoming totally and completely yourself
  • Receiving a well-deserved reward
  • Passing an evaluation or examination
  • Welcoming the start of a new phase of life


  • Being weighed in the balances and found wanting
  • Failing to measure up to a well-defined standard
  • Being caught goofing off or misbehaving
  • Failing to prepare for an examination you know is coming
  • Rejecting an opportunity to reinvent yourself

The World

Classic tarot card image of The World
  • Winning the lottery
  • Getting your heart's desire
  • Having everything you ever imagined having
  • wholeness
  • integration
  • totality
  • completeness
  • fullness


  • Having it all
  • Knowing and loving yourself as completely as possible
  • Seeing the interconnection of all things and people
  • Enhancing your perspective
  • Living life to its fullest
  • Understanding the meaning of life


  • Allowing greed and envy to prevent you from enjoying what you do possess
  • Failing to see the larger design in ordinary events
  • Believing that everything that exists can be touched, counted, or measured
  • Failing to see the divine reflected in those around you

Ace of Wands

Classic tarot card image of Ace of Wands
  • Someone has the "hots" for you
  • A new job offer is coming your way
  • Walk softly, and carry a big stick
  • desire
  • inspiration
  • vision
  • creation
  • invention


  • Being inspired
  • Identifying an important goal
  • Being given the opportunity to do whatever you want to do
  • Giving or receiving direction
  • Seeing a solution
  • Creating something new
  • Being aroused, sexually or creatively


  • Failing to take advantage of a great opportunity
  • Being ineffectual or lazy
  • Making an inadequate effort
  • Working toward a goal, but lacking the resources or initiative to achieve success
  • Setting inappropriate goals
  • Failing to take a stand

Two of Wands

Classic tarot card image of Two of Wands
  • Beware false friends
  • Don't be mealy-mouthed; say what you think and do what you want to do
  • conflict
  • decision
  • option
  • individuality


  • Having a choice
  • Offering or being offered an option
  • Seeing the value of another person's approach
  • Understanding there's more than one way to "skin a cat"
  • Successfully doing more than one thing at a time
  • Being empowered to make a choice


  • Misrepresenting your intentions
  • Doing one thing while desiring another
  • Changing course mid-stream for no good reason
  • Refusing to change your goal even when pursuing it no longer makes sense
  • Disregarding the input of others

Three of Wands

Classic tarot card image of Three of Wands
  • You'll be planning a trip soon
  • Be on the lookout: your ship is coming in
  • implementation
  • action
  • exploration


  • Putting a plan into motion
  • Taking that critical first step
  • Making good things happen
  • Going beyond your limits
  • Blazing new trails
  • Hitting the ground running
  • Seeing your plans come to fruition


  • Procrastinating
  • Knowing what to do, but refusing to do it
  • Launching a project without a clear definition of who should do what
  • Rejecting an opportunity to try something new
  • Failing to finish what you start

Four of Wands

Classic tarot card image of Four of Wands
  • Someone is watching and evaluating your work
  • You may get a wedding invitation soon
  • celebration
  • jubilation
  • community
  • teamwork
  • completion


  • Sharing in a great celebration
  • Sharing in a communal sense of achievement and success
  • Preparing for a party
  • Working together toward a common goal
  • Giving or winning awards


  • Keeping your nose to the grindstone
  • Recognizing good work by demanding more work
  • Failing to share in a group celebration
  • Allowing sour grapes to poison your moment in the sun
  • Refusing to do your part

Five of Wands

Classic tarot card image of Five of Wands
  • Prepare for a fight with your best friend
  • Remember: once you let words loose, you can't take them back
  • confrontation
  • disruption
  • distinction
  • objection
  • strife


  • Calmly expressing a dissenting opinion
  • Allowing someone to use his or her own methods to get a job done
  • Opening the floor for discussion or debate
  • Comparing progress made so far to standards set earlier


  • Berating others for their ridiculous opinions
  • Picking fights
  • Offering destructive criticism
  • Baiting people with barbed remarks
  • Disrupting progress with an endless stream of pointless objections

Six of Wands

Classic tarot card image of Six of Wands
  • Someone is planning a party for you, but not everyone feels so good about your recent success
  • Watch out for envious friends
  • victory
  • achievement
  • success
  • triumph


  • Outperforming your peers
  • Winning a competition
  • Being recognized as a capable person
  • Having your "moment in the spotlight"
  • Being cheered on by the crowd
  • Getting an award
  • Earning the admiration of others
  • Telling someone, "Good job!"


  • Being a bad winner
  • Allowing your achievements to inflate your ego
  • Looking down on people who seem less capable
  • Craving to be the center of attention
  • Giving or receiving insincere praise
  • Envying the achievements of others

Seven of Wands

Classic tarot card image of Seven of Wands
  • Don't be surprised by a personal attack
  • Prepare to defend yourself or someone you love
  • bravery
  • resolve
  • determination


  • Refusing to be silenced through fear or intimidation
  • Continuing a fight against all odds
  • Being fierce
  • Defending yourself against physical and emotional attacks
  • Refusing to put up with abuse
  • Clinging to your values despite all pressure to abandon them


  • Having a chip on your shoulder
  • Taking unnecessary risks as a means of proving your fearlessness
  • Looking for an opportunity to take offense
  • Responding to constructive criticism with defensiveness
  • Refusing to stand up for yourself and your beliefs

Eight of Wands

Classic tarot card image of Eight of Wands
  • Watch for a surprising letter in the mail
  • Your whole world is about to be turned on its ear
  • speed
  • swiftness
  • responsiveness
  • change


  • Taking swift action
  • Moving forward with a plan as quickly as possible
  • Energizing yourself
  • Adapting to sudden changes
  • Taking setbacks in stride
  • Embracing the idea that nothing stays the same forever
  • Reacting quickly and appropriately to unforeseen problems


  • Giving in to panic
  • Running in circles and screaming
  • Insisting things must always stay the same
  • Stirring the pot just to see what will happen
  • Rushing others
  • Refusing to re-evaluate a schedule or program, even when it's clearly no longer appropriate

Nine of Wands

Classic tarot card image of Nine of Wands
  • Don't relax yet; there's more to come
  • The test you're facing now is happening for one reason: to show you who your real friends are
  • toughness
  • persistence
  • stamina
  • loyalty
  • release


  • Sticking with it for the duration
  • Fulfilling your promises and obligations
  • Bearing up under incredible duress
  • Dragging yourself across the finish line
  • Picking yourself up by your own bootstraps
  • Refusing to quit
  • Going as far as you can go and being satisfied with your performance


  • Making yourself a martyr
  • Abandoning your post
  • Giving up at the first sign of opposition
  • Being prevented from fulfilling an obligation
  • Failing to be dependable
  • Refusing to let something go that needs to be released
  • Beating a dead horse

Ten of Wands

Classic tarot card image of Ten of Wands
  • You're worn out
  • Back off, take a time out, and let someone else handle things for a while
  • exhaustion
  • resistance
  • burden
  • oppression


  • Holding your own in extreme circumstances
  • Helping others carry their burdens
  • Coming to the aid of the oppressed
  • Knowing and being honest about your own limits
  • Recognizing when you are not well-categoryed for a particular task


  • Taking on more work than you know you can handle
  • Refusing to say "No" when you're already overloaded
  • Making a habit of working overtime
  • Shielding others from facing the consequences of their own poor judgment
  • Over-extending yourself on a regular basis

Page of Wands

Classic tarot card image of Page of Wands
  • This card represents a young man or woman with a fiery, enthusiastic demeanor, likely born a Cancer, Leo, or Virgo, who wants to start a new relationship with you
  • enthusiasm
  • eagerness
  • confidence
  • validation
  • affirmation


  • Leaping at a new opportunity
  • Being a cheerleader or ardent advocate for your cause
  • Being a True Believer
  • Taking first steps toward independence
  • Trusting in your own abilities
  • Asking for feedback


  • Basing your entire self-image on what others think
  • Seizing every new idea that comes your way without question
  • Habitually discounting input or feedback from others
  • Being so eager to "do it yourself" that you hinder your own progress

Knight of Wands

Classic tarot card image of Knight of Wands
  • This card represents a man with a bold, passionate personality, likely born between July 12th and August 11th, who wants to sweep you off your feet
  • boldness
  • bravado
  • passion
  • persuasion
  • advocacy


  • Charging ahead
  • Making rapid progress
  • Refusing limits
  • Dazzling those around you with your wit and charm
  • Convincing others of your right to leadership
  • Convincing others to follow you
  • Being a catalyst for change


  • Blundering forward with inadequate skill or information
  • Running roughshod over the feelings of others
  • Using sex appeal to manipulate others
  • Forcing your leadership or ideology on others
  • Beginning many projects without finishing any

Queen of Wands

Classic tarot card image of Queen of Wands
  • This card represents a woman with an attractive, appealing personality, likely born between March 11th and April 20th, who wants to charm you into doing things her way
  • attention
  • attraction
  • unification
  • collaboration


  • Paying close attention
  • Helping others focus on the issue at hand
  • Getting everyone to work together
  • Identifying common ground
  • Bringing people together, despite their differences
  • Using reverse psychology


  • Being distracted, or using your charms or skills to distract others from the goal
  • Calling attention to yourself with negative or unhealthy behaviors
  • Disrupting group activities as a means of feeding your own ego

King of Wands

Classic tarot card image of King of Wands
  • This card represents an older man with a commanding, charismatic personality, likely born between November 13th and December 12th, who prefers to give directions and have them followed
  • creativity
  • ingenuity
  • achievement
  • direction


  • Putting old things together in new and exciting ways
  • Coming up with unexpected solutions
  • Using your experience to solve puzzles and problems
  • Doing what you set out to do
  • Directing the efforts of others


  • Using your creativity to get out of honest work
  • Investing great energy in avoiding responsibility
  • Boasting about achievements without putting your expertise to practical use
  • Lording it over others

Ace of Cups

Classic tarot card image of Ace of Cups
  • Romance is in the cards
  • A new relationship or marriage is just around the corner
  • Prayers are answered
  • intuition
  • spirituality
  • affection
  • motivation


  • Trusting your feelings
  • Opening yourself to spirit
  • Accepting and returning affection
  • Getting in touch with what motivates you
  • Taking advantage of an opportunity to express love to others
  • Listening to the still, small voice


  • Hiding your feelings
  • Spurning an opportunity to love or be loved
  • Numbing yourself to spiritual yearnings
  • Rejecting the counsel of your heart
  • Becoming a puppet of your own emotions
  • Indulging in hysteria or obsession

Two of Cups

Classic tarot card image of Two of Cups
  • Someone has a secret crush on you
  • Relationships should be mutual; get rid of a leech
  • union
  • attraction
  • combination
  • affection


  • Being drawn to someone
  • Longing for someone or something
  • Acting on your desires
  • Discovering a feeling is mutual
  • Doing what makes you feel good
  • Merging
  • Healing broken ties
  • Admitting two people feel differently about each other and moving on


  • Burning bridges
  • Becoming caught up in unhealthy codependency
  • Shutting out anyone but your chosen few
  • Obsessing on someone who does not return your affections
  • Despairing over finding "The One"
  • Deceiving yourself about your true orientation

Three of Cups

Classic tarot card image of Three of Cups
  • Unconventional romance is coming your way: a love affair with someone you've always dismissed
  • celebration
  • expression
  • community
  • friendliness


  • Celebrating your feelings or connections with others
  • Expressing joy through song, dance, or physical affection
  • Working together with others who share your feelings
  • Performing acts of service as a way of saying, "I love you"
  • Embracing unconventional romantic arrangements


  • Mistaking giddiness for true affection
  • Being dominated by manic emotions
  • Expecting everyone to always feel the same way you do
  • Demanding unreasonable support from friends or family
  • Partying to a dangerous or unhealthy extent

Four of Cups

Classic tarot card image of Four of Cups
  • A lover is getting restless
  • Find out what he or she needs, or new opportunities may lure your partner away
  • boredom
  • listlessness
  • lethargy
  • stability
  • ingratitude


  • Maintaining your emotional stability
  • Refusing to give in to overwhelming emotions
  • Appreciating what you have and refusing to take it for granted
  • Seeing the value of long-term commitments


  • Being bored
  • Daydreaming at the expense of your work
  • Refusing to be engaged by opportunity
  • Taking people and relationships for granted
  • Ignoring romantic or spiritual opportunities
  • Spurning inspiration
  • Feeling everything should stay "just like it is"

Five of Cups

Classic tarot card image of Five of Cups
  • A breakup looms
  • Don't cry over spilt milk
  • Take your lumps and get back in the saddle
  • loss
  • despair
  • re-evaluation
  • regret
  • uncertainty
  • repentance


  • Acknowledging loss and moving on
  • Focusing on how the glass remains "half-full"
  • Finding the silver lining in a dark cloud
  • Recognizing that loss is a natural part of life
  • Embracing healthy grief
  • Learning lessons from harsh consequences


  • Wallowing in unhealthy grief or self-pity
  • Refusing to move on and let go
  • Clinging to the past
  • Obsessing on past lives and past loves
  • Failing to live in the present
  • Beating yourself up over past mistakes
  • Allowing fear of failure to limit your efforts

Six of Cups

Classic tarot card image of Six of Cups
  • A stingy spirit is strangling your enjoyment of life
  • Loosen up and think of others for once, why don't you?
  • charity
  • sharing
  • sacrifice
  • cooperation
  • fairness


  • Donating your time and talents to others
  • Taking satisfaction in knowing how your efforts will aid others
  • Creating a "win-win" scenario
  • Giving even when you know repayment is not possible
  • Being motivated to do a good deed


  • Linking your sense of self-worth to the appraisals of others
  • Striving to appear more needy than you really are
  • Taking undeserved or unmerited charity
  • Bragging about your charitable efforts
  • Profiteering in times of distress
  • Refusing to share a burden

Seven of Cups

Classic tarot card image of Seven of Cups
  • You're being fed a line
  • Rather than be dazzled by fancy words and promises, demand something real
  • imagination
  • dreams
  • illusions
  • goals


  • Motivating yourself with images of future success
  • Using visualization to encourage progress
  • Taking an imaginative or creative approach to problem solving
  • Making dreams come true
  • Gleaning insight from personal visions


  • Obsessing on imaginary fears or uncertain consequences
  • Giving in to emotional or political terrorism
  • Spending more time dreaming than working
  • Failing to envision the possible repercussions of your choices
  • Being controlled by fear

Eight of Cups

Classic tarot card image of Eight of Cups
  • Someone's "stepping out" on you, now or in the near future
  • Maybe it's time to quit talking about the problem and just move on
  • longing
  • dissatisfaction
  • quest
  • departure
  • withdrawal


  • Wanting something better
  • Blazing your own trail
  • Realizing there must be more to life
  • Leaving an unhealthy situation behind
  • Starting your own business
  • Going on a retreat
  • Seeking the "still, small voice"


  • Being implacable
  • Finding fault
  • Nitpicking
  • Refusing to settle down
  • Running away from problems or confrontations
  • Saying, "It's my way or the highway!"
  • Harping on past mistakes and disappointments
  • Threatening to quit as a strategy to get your way

Nine of Cups

Classic tarot card image of Nine of Cups
  • Whatever you want, you'll get it
  • satisfaction
  • sensuality
  • luxury
  • pleasure


  • Being delighted with your own achievements
  • Recognizing your own talents and abilities
  • Reveling in the good things life has to offer
  • Indulging yourself
  • Relaxing and unwinding
  • Having everything you need in order to feel complete


  • Being smug
  • Satisfying yourself at the expense of others
  • Being selfish
  • Over-indulging
  • Avoiding work that needs to be done
  • Claiming achievements or skills you do not possess
  • Never being satisfied, no matter how much you have

Ten of Cups

Classic tarot card image of Ten of Cups
  • Marriage and family are in the cards
  • Expect a friendship to blossom into a romance
  • joy
  • fulfillment
  • overwhelming emotion
  • giddiness


  • Having more than you ever dreamed
  • Being deeply thankful for all you've been given
  • Recognizing the Hand of God in the gifts the Universe brings your way
  • Experiencing transcendent joy
  • Achieving domestic bliss


  • Comparing your achievements or relationships to unrealistic fantasy standards
  • Experiencing emotions so intense they blunt your ability to cope with reality
  • Feeling overwhelmed
  • Envying the achievements and happiness of others

Page of Cups

Classic tarot card image of Page of Cups
  • This card represents a young man or woman with a watery, dreamy demeanor, likely born a Libra, Scorpio, or Sagittarius, who wants to start a new relationship with you
  • enthusiasm
  • first impressions
  • romanticism
  • superficiality


  • Showing your emotions freely
  • Throwing yourself into romance
  • Nursing a secret crush
  • Indulging in romantic fantasy
  • Starting a new relationship
  • Recalling your first love
  • Experiencing love for the first time
  • Converting to a new religion


  • Mistaking a crush for true love
  • Reading romantic intention into innocent action
  • Frantically trying to impress others
  • Indulging in overly-sweet sentimentality
  • Pretending to more romantic or spiritual experience than you possess

Knight of Cups

Classic tarot card image of Knight of Cups
  • This card represents a man with an emotional, sensitive personality, likely born between October 13th and November 11th, who wants you to rally around his latest passionate cause
  • fervor
  • zeal
  • moodiness
  • illumination


  • Being deeply committed to a cause
  • Giving in to strong emotions, from excitement to depression
  • Acting on intuition alone
  • Solving problems intuitively
  • Believing in and basing decisions on ideals instead of realities
  • Bringing intuition or passion to the table


  • Becoming a fanatic
  • Rejecting information that suggests your intuitions are misguided
  • Allowing your emotions to control you
  • Giving in to jealousy, confrontation, and peer pressure
  • Hiding or ignoring intuitive insights

Queen of Cups

Classic tarot card image of Queen of Cups
  • This card represents a woman with an emotional, deeply spiritual nature, likely born between June 11th and July 11th, who uses emotional and spiritual appeals to sway others to her point of view
  • insightfulness
  • spirituality
  • compassion
  • empathy
  • instinct


  • Allowing yourself to be moved by the plight of others
  • Feeling strong emotions
  • Possessing unusual sympathy or empathy
  • Trusting your feelings to guide you
  • Calling on psychic abilities
  • Achieving unity with Spirit


  • Becoming so caught up in matters of Spirit, you become detached from the world
  • Allowing empathy to disable you (instead of inspire action)
  • Using psychic abilities to wield covert influence
  • Wallowing in emotionalism, sentiment, or self-pity

King of Cups

Classic tarot card image of King of Cups
  • This card represents an older man with a gentle, sensitive presence, likely born between February 9th and March 10th, who is known for his fairness and tolerance
  • wisdom
  • diplomacy
  • restraint
  • composure


  • Keeping a stiff upper lip
  • Being brave and clear in the fAce of adverse circumstances
  • Sharing experience as a way of comforting others
  • Making fair and empathetic decisions
  • Honoring the spirit, not just the letter, of the law


  • Allowing yourself to become rigid and unemotional
  • Making unfair decisions based on a hidden agenda
  • Making decisions without regard for their emotional impact on others
  • Abusing spiritual authority
  • Using emotional or spiritual leverage to exercise unhealthy control over others

Ace of Swords

Classic tarot card image of Ace of Swords
  • The time to make a choice is now
  • Stop wavering and do what you know is best
  • logic
  • objectivity
  • intellect
  • choice


  • Making objective decisions
  • Applying logic
  • Reasoning your way out of a difficult situation
  • Solving puzzles
  • Thinking things through
  • Emphasizing the facts
  • Clearing your mind
  • Seeking clarity


  • Applying ruthless or twisted logic
  • Gloating over your own superior intellect
  • Using quick thinking to deceive or confuse others
  • Confusing snap judgments with quick thinking
  • Making decisions without thinking through consequences

Two of Swords

Classic tarot card image of Two of Swords
  • Sometimes, the only way to win is to refuse to fight
  • You're stuck for now; let time pass before taking action
  • denial
  • debate
  • impasse
  • truce


  • Refusing to make a decision without getting the facts
  • Exploring both sides of an argument
  • Arguing passionately for what you believe in
  • Weighing the issues
  • Encouraging the open exchange of ideas
  • Discussing political or religious issues without getting "hot under the collar"


  • Rejecting evidence that conflicts with dearly-held beliefs
  • Arguing with others just for the sake of doing so
  • Nit-picking
  • Putting off a decision because you're afraid to face the consequences
  • Preventing others from getting the information they need to make good decisions

Three of Swords

Classic tarot card image of Three of Swords
  • Breakups and infidelity abound
  • What hurts now, though, will turn out to be good for you later on
  • variance
  • difference
  • dissatisfaction
  • heartache
  • rejection


  • Being brave enough to see things as they really are
  • Exercising your critical eye
  • Being your own best critic
  • Acknowledging that things don't always turn out as planned
  • Moving past heartbreak to embrace a painful truth


  • Wallowing in despair
  • Allowing yourself to be completely crushed by the thoughts, words, or deeds of another
  • Judging yourself too harshly
  • Holding yourself to an unrealistic standard of excellence
  • Wearing your heart on your sleeve while carrying a chip on your shoulder

Four of Swords

Classic tarot card image of Four of Swords
  • Don't make any decision now
  • Wait, and you'll be glad you did
  • meditation
  • contemplation
  • perspective
  • mindset


  • Thinking over your plans before putting them into action
  • Pausing to meditate or clear your mind
  • Taking time to understand someone or something before criticizing it
  • Resting
  • Occupying your thoughts with a healthy distraction


  • Failing to think things through
  • Mistaking procrastination for thoughtfulness
  • Adopting a point of view and refusing to reconsider your conclusions, even when presented with refuting evidence
  • Allowing chaos and whimsy to dominate your thoughts

Five of Swords

Classic tarot card image of Five of Swords
  • Someone is stealing from you, financially or romantically
  • Be wary of friends who talk behind your back
  • selfishness
  • hostility
  • irrationality
  • self-preservation


  • Acting in your own best interest
  • Choosing to stand up for yourself
  • Not backing down from disagreement and discord
  • Taking a stand
  • Refusing to go along with an unethical plan
  • Knowing when to bend the rules


  • Taking advantage of others
  • Intimidating others
  • Acting in an unethical manner
  • Picking fights
  • Using words to goad others into violence and irrationality
  • Ignoring rules you've agreed to abide by
  • Looking out for yourself while allowing harm to come to others
  • Gloating over victory

Six of Swords

Classic tarot card image of Six of Swords
  • You'll soon go on a long journey over water
  • Actions have unexpected consequences, so be prepared
  • adaptation
  • adjustments
  • science
  • travel


  • Making the best of a bad situation
  • Recovering from defeat
  • Resetting expectations
  • Making allowances for unexpected circumstances
  • Helping others who find themselves in dire circumstances
  • Changing the way you see the world
  • Broadening your perspective through study or travel


  • Refusing to accept that things have changed
  • Playing the victim
  • Rejecting the idea that your actions have consequences
  • Applying scientific criteria to matters of faith, or confusing faith with science
  • Believing the whole world should be like your small corner of it

Seven of Swords

Classic tarot card image of Seven of Swords
  • Don't assume people around you are worthy of your trust
  • Ask for an accounting of where people have been, and what they've been doing
  • dishonesty
  • presumption
  • sneakiness
  • assumptions


  • Refusing to do something dishonest, even when there's no chance of ever being caught
  • Handling a difficult situation with finesse
  • Pointing out assumptions
  • Acting ethically in public and in private
  • Living a life that is beyond reproach


  • Stealing or lying
  • Doing whatever you can get away with, simply because you can
  • Looking for a way around consequences
  • Justifying wicked behavior by focusing on the wickedness of others
  • Failing to examine your own motives and prejudices

Eight of Swords

Classic tarot card image of Eight of Swords
  • Get over playing the victim
  • Once you realize you are your own biggest obstacle, nothing can hold you back
  • restriction
  • limitation
  • confinement
  • helplessness


  • Honoring limits
  • Respecting the rules
  • Deciding to go on a diet for your health's sake
  • Recognizing you cannot always be in control
  • Identifying obstacles to further progress
  • Refusing to think about unhealthy or unethical options
  • Asking for assistance


  • Feeling trapped
  • Being lost in a maze of rules and regulations
  • Giving in to despair
  • Playing the victim
  • Allowing others to dictate what you can and cannot do
  • Being rendered helpless
  • Having very few options
  • Failing to look for a way out

Nine of Swords

Classic tarot card image of Nine of Swords
  • If you take the action you're considering now, you'll be sorry in the future
  • remorse
  • worry
  • distraught
  • conclusion


  • Refusing to worry about what you cannot control
  • Rejecting anxiety
  • Judging your own performance with kindness and gentleness
  • Using meditation to quiet a troubled mind
  • Confronting nightmares and fears
  • Drawing a conclusion and putting an issue out of your mind


  • Torturing yourself with regrets
  • Second-guessing your every move
  • Beating yourself up for your mistakes
  • Depression
  • Obsessing on errors and overlooked details
  • Refusing to handle stress in healthy ways
  • Ruining your ability to appreciate the present by dwelling on the past
  • Debating irreversible decisions

Ten of Swords

Classic tarot card image of Ten of Swords
  • Disaster
  • Put off plans and do not take action until omens are better
  • exhaustion
  • ruin
  • disaster
  • stamina
  • obsession


  • Seeing the signs that you've reached your limits
  • Paying attention to what your body is trying to tell you
  • Giving in to the need for rest and renewal
  • Acknowledging that you've hit bottom
  • Committing to a turnaround
  • Knowing the worst is over


  • Accepting defeat prematurely
  • Driving yourself to total exhaustion, especially mentally
  • Experiencing a mental breakdown
  • Obsessing on a problem to the breaking point
  • Giving up
  • Refusing to move from thought to action
  • Deeply unhealthy thoughts

Page of Swords

Classic tarot card image of Page of Swords
  • This card represents a young man or woman with an airy, intellectual demeanor, likely born a Capricorn, Aquarius, or Pisces, who wants to learn something new from you or have a discussion with you
  • student
  • apprentice
  • scholarship
  • information


  • Pursuing a course of study
  • Asking good questions
  • Investing time in study and practice
  • Doing research
  • Making a habit of learning new things
  • Starting an investigation
  • Outlining what you need to know
  • Finding a mentor or teacher


  • Pretending to knowledge or sophistication you do not possess
  • Cheating on an exam
  • Feigning interest as a way of gaining favor
  • Considering only the evidence that supports conclusions you've already drawn
  • Rejecting the wise counsel of experienced teachers

Knight of Swords

Classic tarot card image of Knight of Swords
  • A blunder leads someone to say something he or she regrets
  • If this was you, be prepared to apologize and move on
  • bluntness
  • intelligence
  • incisiveness
  • investigation


  • Speaking your mind
  • Making your opinions known
  • Offering constructive criticism
  • Sharing your knowledge
  • Making insightful observations
  • Pinpointing the problem
  • Clarifying what others have said
  • Giving clear direction to others
  • Uncovering the truth


  • Stating your opinions as fact
  • Picking fights
  • Starting arguments
  • Using clever insults to undermine the confidence of others
  • Tossing reason out the window
  • Speaking without taking the feelings of others into account
  • Going on a witch hunt
  • Distorting evidence

Queen of Swords

Classic tarot card image of Queen of Swords
  • This card represents a woman with an artistic, intellectual nature, likely born between September 12th and October 12th, who uses clever, positive communication to sway others to her point of view
  • grace
  • skill
  • wit
  • charm
  • aptitude


  • Exercising tact or using diplomacy
  • Defusing a tense situation
  • Knowing what to say and how to say it
  • Making others feel comfortable and confident
  • Bringing out the best in everyone
  • Having a way with words
  • Telling jokes
  • Possessing a knack for music, math, art, or science


  • Knowing exactly what to say to destroy another person
  • Withholding critical information
  • Using a barbed tongue to upset others
  • Employing sarcasm
  • Mimicking others unkindly
  • Making light of the less fortunate
  • Being disrespectful
  • Failing to use the talent you've been given

King of Swords

Classic tarot card image of King of Swords
  • This card represents an older man with an insightful, deliberate spirit, likely born between May 11th and June 10th, who is known for his integrity and sharp decision-making ability
  • genius
  • expertise
  • decision
  • verdict


  • Expressing yourself with firmness and authority
  • Rendering a final decision
  • Consulting an expert
  • Calling in advisors and consultants
  • Coming to a final conclusion
  • Reaching a beneficial agreement based on sound information


  • Insisting on having the last word
  • Flaunting your intellectual capability
  • Talking "over the heads" of others
  • Waffling on an important decision
  • Constantly changing your mind
  • Refusing to make choices that are in your own best interest
  • Wishing in vain you could take back what's been said

Ace of Pentacles

Classic tarot card image of Ace of Pentacles
  • Your health will improve
  • The check you're looking for really is in the mail
  • health
  • wealth
  • practicality
  • receiving


  • Outlining a plan for achieving prosperity
  • Becoming aware of opportunities to improve income or health
  • Realizing you have everything you need
  • Appreciating everything the Universe has given you
  • Receiving the perfect gift at the perfect time


  • Indulging in relentless consumerism
  • Wanting more, no matter how much you have
  • Obsessing on your account balance
  • Suffering from hypochondria
  • Consuming blessings without expressing gratitude
  • Taking what you want without concern for the needs of others

Two of Pentacles

Classic tarot card image of Two of Pentacles
  • It's time to balance the budget
  • Avoid the temptation to spend critical funds on frivolous goods
  • evaluation
  • decision
  • budgeting
  • diagnosis


  • Weighing options
  • Comparing prices
  • Determining the value of one option over another
  • Juggling resources to make ends meet
  • Making difficult choices based on what's best for your body or your bankbook
  • Looking at the bottom line
  • Asking for a second opinion on health issues


  • Engaging in endless price comparison
  • Putting off a buying decision for fear of finding a slightly better value later on
  • Buying something without regard for value
  • Breaking your budget with unnecessary expenses
  • Engaging in behavior with no regard for how your body or bankbook will be impacted

Three of Pentacles

Classic tarot card image of Three of Pentacles
  • A high-dollar contract is in your future
  • If you work hard, you'll succeed
  • expression
  • production
  • work
  • contribution


  • Finishing a project
  • Setting and meeting standards
  • Performing according to specifications
  • Making something others value
  • Creating something new
  • Doing your part in a group project
  • Delivering exactly what others have asked for


  • Pandering to the tastes of others
  • Failing to deliver what you've promised
  • Not delivering your best work unless closely supervised
  • Ignoring or breaking agreements with those who have invested in you
  • Refusing to do your part
  • Failing to abide by a clearly-outlined agreement with yourself or others

Four of Pentacles

Classic tarot card image of Four of Pentacles
  • A rainy day is coming—it's time to save
  • protection
  • conservation
  • preservation
  • safety


  • Saving for a rainy day
  • Fasting as part of a spiritual practice
  • Dieting in an effort to improve your body
  • Abstaining from sex as a way of honoring a spiritual tradition or personal promise
  • Being financially conservative
  • Establishing a trust fund
  • Opening a savings account


  • Being stingy
  • Refusing to spend money that needs to be spent
  • Withholding sex from your partner
  • Taking care of your own needs exclusively, without regard for the needs of others
  • Spending a dollar to save a penny
  • Failing to be a good manager of the blessings you've been given

Five of Pentacles

Classic tarot card image of Five of Pentacles
  • Finances are getting tighter
  • Prepare for a setback
  • poverty
  • destitution
  • need
  • crisis


  • Recognizing your needs and taking action to fulfill them
  • Doing as much as you can do with what little you have
  • Admitting you need help
  • Embracing the aid that comes your way
  • Focusing on what you have versus what you don't
  • Looking for the light at the end of the tunnel


  • Exaggerating your financial or physical needs
  • Adopting a poverty mentality
  • Refusing to support yourself
  • Refusing offers of support
  • Playing the martyr
  • Turning down opportunities to improve your health or finances
  • Wallowing in misery

Six of Pentacles

Classic tarot card image of Six of Pentacles
  • When you need help, ask for it
  • Remember, though: what you receive may be limited by what you've given to others in the past
  • charity
  • fairness
  • cooperation
  • sharing


  • Giving time, money, or effort to a charity
  • Taking part in a group effort
  • Lending your resources to others without expecting anything in return
  • Making sure everyone is treated equally
  • Working together toward a common goal
  • Redistributing wealth, time, or attention
  • Tithing
  • Sharing credit for your success


  • Making a loan as a means of gaining control over someone
  • Using charitable acts to draw attention to yourself
  • Dividing work or resources unfairly
  • Failing to do your part in a group effort
  • Ignoring obligations and commitments

Seven of Pentacles

Classic tarot card image of Seven of Pentacles
  • Things won't work out as expected
  • Pick up the pieces and prepare to move on
  • assessment
  • evaluation
  • re-evaluation
  • reflection


  • Measuring progress toward your goal
  • Looking at results with an eye toward improving performance
  • Asking, "How happy am I?"
  • Coming up with ideas for improving your health or prosperity
  • Deciding it's time for a change
  • Expressing an honest opinion


  • Becoming distracted by melancholy thoughts
  • Longing for "the good old days"
  • Beating yourself up over lost opportunities
  • Judging your own work harshly
  • Holding others to inappropriate standards
  • Refusing to take part in a project, then whining about the quality of the outcome

Eight of Pentacles

Classic tarot card image of Eight of Pentacles
  • Stop over-analyzing, researching, and outlining
  • Buckle down and get the work done
  • effort
  • work diligence
  • skill


  • Doing your best
  • Bringing enthusiasm and zeal to your work
  • Making an effort to be the best you can be
  • Finding the work that is right for you
  • Taking care of the small details
  • Becoming a finely skilled craftsperson
  • Building something with your hands
  • Making a handmade gift


  • Working yourself to death
  • Doing a half-hearted or sloppy job
  • Continuing in a job you hate
  • Buying thoughtless gifts
  • Producing work with shoddy craftsmanship
  • Rushing through your work
  • Rejecting opportunities to learn more about your craft

Nine of Pentacles

Classic tarot card image of Nine of Pentacles
  • Until you appreciate what you have, you won't have any luck getting more
  • training
  • discipline
  • confidence
  • enough


  • Investing time in learning or teaching a difficult task
  • Restraining yourself from physical or financial extremes
  • Making sacrifices as a way of achieving larger goals
  • Breaking a complex task down into simple steps
  • Wanting what you have
  • Knowing the difference between needs and wants


  • Being assigned to a task without being trained to perform it
  • Pursuing a position for which you are not qualified
  • Disregarding requirements
  • Refusing to dedicate adequate time or attention when learning about something or someone new
  • Always craving more

Ten of Pentacles

Classic tarot card image of Ten of Pentacles
  • Big money is in the near future
  • Expect a powerful blessing to come your way
  • wealth
  • abundance
  • acquisition
  • greed


  • Celebrating your physical and financial blessings
  • Realizing how lucky or how blessed you are
  • Being satisfied with your physical and financial achievements
  • Taking best advantage of "times of plenty"
  • Enjoying a feast
  • Showering friends or family with gifts


  • Spending all of your money on extravagant gifts and possessions
  • Trying too hard to impress others with your wealth or physique
  • Giving an inappropriately expensive gift as a means of currying favor
  • Obsessing on matters of weight, health, or finance
  • Always asking, "What's in it for me?"

Page of Pentacles

Classic tarot card image of Page of Pentacles
  • This card represents a young man or woman with an earthy, practical demeanor, likely born an Aries, Taurus, or Gemini, who playfully encourages you to take financial or sexual risks
  • practicality
  • prosperity
  • learning
  • growth
  • adolescence


  • Learning the value of a dollar
  • Starting a savings plan
  • Taking the first steps toward getting out of debt
  • Learning new physical tasks
  • Discovering your sexuality
  • Launching a diet, a weight-lifting program, or a health-related effort
  • Learning by doing


  • Trying to appear healthier or wealthier than you really are
  • Spending money carelessly
  • Living strictly for today, with no thought of tomorrow
  • Possessing immature attitudes toward sex and sexuality
  • Using wealth or beauty as an excuse for not having to learn and grow

Knight of Pentacles

Classic tarot card image of Knight of Pentacles
  • A stingy person may chide you for spending money
  • Be prepared to defend an economic or sexual decision
  • caution
  • focus
  • realism
  • invention


  • Spending money wisely
  • Saving for a rainy day
  • Paying close attention to physical or financial details
  • Knowing where every dollar goes
  • Having safe sex
  • Preferring facts to "good feelings"
  • Finding creative ways to "make do" with resources on hand
  • Completing a new invention


  • Throwing caution to the four winds
  • Spending without regard for consequence
  • Spending on luxury when necessities are lacking
  • Escaping stress by spending money
  • Obsessing on tiny physical or financial details
  • Perpetually chasing after some new bauble
  • Copying another's work and claiming it as your own

Queen of Pentacles

Classic tarot card image of Queen of Pentacles
  • This card represents a woman with an expansive, sensual nature, likely born between December 13th and 31st, who uses sensual appeal and the promise of reward to sway others to her point of view
  • luxury
  • comfort
  • resourcefulness
  • generosity
  • prosperity


  • Appreciating fine food, fine wine, beautiful art, beautiful bodies, or any of the better things in life
  • Reveling in healthy sexuality
  • Treating yourself
  • Splurging on the occasional "nice to have" item
  • Rewarding someone with compensation above and beyond expectations
  • Having it all


  • Indulging in gluttony or greediness
  • Becoming insatiable
  • Blunting the impact of treats by indulging in them too often
  • Providing physical comfort without providing for emotional needs
  • Allowing a feeling of entitlement to distort your gratitude for what you're given

King of Pentacles

Classic tarot card image of King of Pentacles
  • This card represents an older man with a financially, socially, and politically conservative spirit, likely born between August 12th and September 11th, who is known for putting his money where his mouth is
  • stability
  • dependability
  • confidence
  • intervention


  • Becoming debt-free
  • Having more than enough to get by
  • Making contributions to a savings plan
  • Taking a new job with an eye toward advancing your career
  • Buying life or health insurance
  • Being confident in the bedroom
  • Taking on the role of enforcer when called upon to do so


  • Becoming so conservative you resist all change on principle alone
  • Ignoring innovations in the name of preserving tradition
  • Being smug or cocky
  • Becoming ruthlessly dedicated to profit or pleasure
  • Being sexually selfish
  • Bossing others around, especially when you're not empowered to do so