Major Arcana

The Fool

Classic tarot card image of The Fool
  • Watch for new projects and new beginnings
  • Prepare to take something on faith
  • Something new comes your way; go for it
  • freedom
  • faith
  • inexperience
  • innocence


  • Freeing yourself from limitation
  • Expressing joy and youthful vigor
  • Being open-minded
  • Taking a leap of faith
  • Attuning yourself to your instincts
  • Being eager or curious
  • Exploring your potential
  • Embracing innovation and change


  • Being gullible and naive
  • Taking unnecessary risks
  • Failing to be serious when required
  • Being silly or distracted
  • Lacking experience
  • Failing to honor well-established traditions and limits
  • Behaving inappropriately

The Magician

Classic tarot card image of The Magician
  • A powerful man may play a role in your day
  • Your current situation must be seen as one element of a much larger plan
  • capability
  • empowerment
  • activity


  • Taking appropriate action
  • Receiving guidance from a higher power
  • Becoming a channel of divine will
  • Expressing masculine energy in appropriate and constructive ways
  • Being yourself in every way


  • Inflating your own ego
  • Abusing talents
  • Manipulating or deceiving others
  • Being too aggressive
  • Using cheap illusions to dazzle others
  • Refusing to invest the time and effort needed to master your craft
  • Taking shortcuts

High Priestess

Classic tarot card image of High Priestess
  • A mysterious woman arrives
  • A sexual secret may surface
  • Someone knows more than he or she will reveal
  • intuition
  • reflection
  • purity
  • initiation


  • Listening to your feelings and intuitions
  • Exploring unconventional spirituality
  • Keeping secrets
  • Being receptive
  • Reflecting instead of acting
  • Observing others
  • Preserving purity


  • Being aloof
  • Obsessing on secrets and conspiracies
  • Rejecting guidance from spirit or intuition
  • Revealing all
  • Ignoring gut feelings
  • Refusing to become involved, even when involvement is appropriate

The Empress

Classic tarot card image of The Empress
  • Pregnancy is in the cards
  • An opportunity to be involved in luxurious sexuality is coming
  • Beware a tendency toward addiction
  • fertility
  • productivity
  • ripeness
  • nurturing


  • Nurturing yourself and others
  • Bearing fruit
  • Celebrating your body
  • Bearing (literal or figurative) children
  • Reveling in luxury
  • Mothering those around you in positive ways
  • Enjoying your sexuality
  • Getting things done


  • Overindulging
  • Being greedy
  • Smothering someone with attention
  • Debilitating someone by being overprotective
  • Inhibiting productivity by obsessing on productivity
  • Being overcome by addictive behavior

The Emperor

Classic tarot card image of The Emperor
  • A father figure arrives
  • A new employer or authority figure will give you orders
  • Expect discipline or correction in the near future
  • authority
  • regulation
  • direction
  • structure


  • Exercising authority
  • Defining limits
  • Directing the flow of work
  • Communicating clear guidelines
  • Being in control of yourself and others
  • Tempering aggressive masculinity with wisdom and experience


  • Micromanaging
  • Crushing the creativity of others with a rigid, iron-fisted approach
  • Insisting on getting your own way
  • Assuming a dictatorial mindset
  • Using overt force to achieve your goals and maintain order

The Hierophant

Classic tarot card image of The Hierophant
  • Expect to be caught in a misdeed and punished accordingly
  • Pray for forgiveness and confess wrongdoings
  • A more experienced man, spiritual leader, or father figure will come into your life
  • guidance
  • knowledge
  • revelation
  • belief


  • Teaching or guiding others
  • Searching for the truth
  • Asking for guidance from a higher power
  • Acknowledging the wisdom and experience of others
  • Taking vows
  • Engaging in heartfelt rituals
  • Volunteering


  • Using experience as a means of manipulating or misguiding others
  • Being dogmatic
  • Favoring tradition over what is expedient or necessary
  • Going through the motions of empty rituals
  • Concealing wisdom
  • Restricting access to spiritual truths or the gods

The Lovers

Classic tarot card image of The Lovers
  • A new personal or professional relationship blossoms
  • Sexual opportunities abound
  • Unexpectedly, a friend becomes a lover
  • love
  • passion
  • unity
  • choice


  • Being in love
  • Showing your love to others
  • Expressing passion or romantic feelings
  • Aligning yourself with groups or like-minded others
  • Bringing people together
  • Making well-informed decisions


  • Debilitating passion
  • Allowing an unhealthy desire for love to motivate destructive behavior
  • Disrupting unity
  • Working against the best interests of those who care about you
  • Ill-informed decisions

The Chariot

Classic tarot card image of The Chariot
  • Victory is a certainty
  • Move ahead with all plans
  • Beware the jealousy of others
  • advancement
  • victory
  • triumph
  • success


  • Breaking through barriers
  • Moving forward with confidence and authority
  • Reaching the pinnacle of success
  • Basking in the glory of achievement
  • Guiding an effort to total victory
  • Establishing yourself as a worthy leader


  • Resting on laurels
  • Riding roughshod over the feelings or expectations of others
  • Focusing more on past successes than future opportunities
  • Failing to rein in impulsive behavior


Classic tarot card image of Strength
  • Your self-control will be tested
  • A woman will seek to change her partner or lover
  • You are a strong, capable person
  • discipline
  • boldness
  • self-discipline
  • power
  • vitality


  • Imposing restrictions on yourself for your own benefit
  • Bringing your passions under the control of reason
  • Resisting impulses that work against your best interests
  • Taking bold action


  • Indulging weakness, even when you know it will damage your health and happiness
  • Languishing in addiction
  • Allowing your instincts to tame and conquer you
  • Failing to take a stand when necessary

The Hermit

Classic tarot card image of The Hermit
  • A period of loneliness begins
  • One partner in a relationship departs
  • A search for love or money proves fruitless
  • solitude
  • experience
  • stillness
  • withdrawal


  • Becoming or seeking out a guru
  • Going on a retreat
  • Recharging spiritual or creative batteries
  • Lighting the way for those with less experience
  • Stepping back to gain perspective


  • Being a loner
  • Fearing contact with others
  • Becoming a know-it-all
  • Inflating claims of expertise
  • Hiding your skills and talents out of fear of unworthiness

The Wheel

Classic tarot card image of The Wheel
  • Some events are in the hands of heaven
  • You've lived through this before
  • What happened then?
  • luck
  • randomness
  • cycles
  • karma
  • fate
  • revolution


  • Allowing events to unfold
  • Seeing the larger pattern in everyday events
  • Trusting your luck
  • Watching for cycles
  • Believing that "what goes around, comes around"


  • Losing money gambling
  • Refusing to do your part to bring a plan to fruition
  • Taking a fatalistic approach to life
  • Fighting the natural course of events


Classic tarot card image of Justice
  • A legal verdict will be rendered soon
  • Someone is making a decision
  • You need to get the facts
  • balance
  • law
  • fairness
  • objectivity


  • Making an objective decision
  • Weighing an issue carefully before taking action
  • Appropriately scaling your reaction to a situation
  • Getting all the facts
  • Considering evidence
  • Deliberating


  • Delivering harsh criticism
  • Obsessing on rules and regulations
  • Playing by the book even when it is destructive or counterproductive to do so
  • Confusing snap decisions with timely action
  • Playing favorites

The Hanged Man

Classic tarot card image of The Hanged Man
  • A traitor is revealed
  • One of your friends is working against you
  • Change your ways or suffer the consequences
  • enlightenment
  • sacrifice
  • perspective
  • suspension
  • reversals


  • Seeing growth opportunities in unpleasant events
  • Experiencing a dramatic change in personal perspective
  • Making the best of an unforeseen change in your life or work
  • Suspending disbelief
  • Making sacrifices


  • Being untrue to yourself and your values
  • Refusing to make sacrifices when appropriate
  • Refusing to adapt to new situations
  • Blaming others
  • Profiting at the expense of others


Classic tarot card image of Death
  • A relationship or illness ends suddenly
  • Limit travel and risk-taking
  • General gloom and doom
  • ending
  • conclusion
  • transition
  • passage
  • departure


  • Bringing an unpleasant phase of life to an end
  • Recognizing and celebrating the conclusion of something
  • Putting bad habits to rest
  • Becoming a new person
  • Leaving one person, place, or thing for another
  • Letting go


  • Obsessing on death and dying
  • Refusing to give up old habits or unhealthy relationships
  • Insisting that everything and everyone should stay the same forever
  • Failing to take good care of yourself


Classic tarot card image of Temperance
  • Someone's using drugs or alcohol to excess
  • It's time to get back on that diet
  • blending
  • synthesis
  • mediation
  • combination
  • harmony


  • Bringing opposites together
  • Moderating your actions or emotions
  • Finding middle ground
  • Reaching compromises
  • Synthesizing solutions that please everyone involved
  • Using the old to make something new


  • Going to extremes
  • Disrupting group efforts
  • Ignoring healthy approaches to life
  • Becoming an addict
  • Practicing gluttony
  • Tearing something or someone apart
  • Breaking alliances

The Devil

Classic tarot card image of The Devil
  • Adultery and unfaithfulness
  • A string of extremely bad luck is coming your way
  • Beware evil influences and wolves in sheep's clothing
  • shadow
  • materialism
  • bondage
  • delusion


  • Appreciating the luxuries that life has to offer
  • Being comfortable in your own skin
  • Enjoying your sexuality
  • Splurging on an expensive personal item
  • Embracing the fact that everyone has a darker side
  • Dealing with unhealthy impulses in healthy ways


  • Putting excessive emphasis on appearances
  • Always wanting more
  • Valuing possessions more than people or relationships
  • Allowing base instincts to govern your life
  • Being selfish
  • Attributing your own dark impulses to outside forces or other people

The Tower

Classic tarot card image of The Tower
  • Impending disaster
  • Cancel plans and reverse decisions
  • Someone wants to take you down a notch or two
  • Don't hold back; say what you really mean
  • demolition
  • upheaval
  • deconstruction
  • disaster
  • destruction


  • Breaking out of old, confining habits and mindsets
  • Clearing the way for new growth
  • Dispelling the influence of an inflated ego
  • Getting back to basics
  • Stripping away harmful illusions
  • Receiving sudden insight


  • Clinging to traditions that repress growth
  • Engaging in willful blindness
  • Rejecting evidence that change is needed
  • Ignoring guidance from a higher power
  • Maliciously engaging in destructive behavior

The Star

Classic tarot card image of The Star
  • Get an astrology chart drawn up
  • Someone is a little too starstruck
  • What's happening now has long been fore-ordained
  • hope
  • optimism
  • openness
  • certainty
  • faith
  • longing
  • truth


  • Hoping for the best
  • Believing good things happen to good people
  • Seeing events in the best possible light
  • Adopting a generous spirit
  • Seeking guidance from above
  • Embracing possibility over probability


  • Denying unpleasant truths
  • Denying personal accountability and saying, "Things just happen!"
  • Ignoring signs and omens
  • Preferring illusion to reality
  • Spreading pessimism and stinginess of spirit

The Moon

Classic tarot card image of The Moon
  • Watch for problems at the end of the month
  • Someone you know needs to howl at the moon more often
  • Someone is about to change his or her mind about an important decision
  • mystery
  • fantasy
  • imagination
  • dreams
  • uncertainty


  • Enjoying healthy fantasies and daydreams
  • Using your imagination
  • Practicing magic or celebrating the magic of everyday life
  • Attuning yourself to the cycles of nature
  • Embracing the unknown


  • Becoming unable to separate fantasy from reality
  • Suffering from delusions
  • Losing your appreciation for the fantastic or magical
  • Adopting a ruthlessly logical mindset
  • Failing to appreciate life's mysteries

The Sun

Classic tarot card image of The Sun
  • Everything's coming up roses (or sunflowers, whatever the case may be)
  • Whatever's on your mind, go for it because you can't lose today
  • joy
  • brilliance
  • validation
  • attention
  • energy


  • Seeing things clearly
  • Experiencing intense joy
  • Celebrating your own successes
  • Knowing you're good at what you do
  • Gaining recognition for your personal genius


  • Being dazzled by your own accomplishments
  • Becoming absorbed in your own self-image
  • Feeling rushed and distracted
  • Exerting yourself to the point of exhaustion
  • Overstating your abilities or misrepresenting your achievements


Classic tarot card image of Judgement
  • An old issue you thought was over will come up again today
  • Get ready for huge changes: break-ups, sudden calls from old friends, and unexpected setbacks
  • God's trying to get your attention
  • revival
  • renewal
  • resurrection
  • evaluation
  • invitation


  • Receiving a wake-up call
  • Discovering a new purpose in life
  • Becoming totally and completely yourself
  • Receiving a well-deserved reward
  • Passing an evaluation or examination
  • Welcoming the start of a new phase of life


  • Being weighed in the balances and found wanting
  • Failing to measure up to a well-defined standard
  • Being caught goofing off or misbehaving
  • Failing to prepare for an examination you know is coming
  • Rejecting an opportunity to reinvent yourself

The World

Classic tarot card image of The World
  • Winning the lottery
  • Getting your heart's desire
  • Having everything you ever imagined having
  • wholeness
  • integration
  • totality
  • completeness
  • fullness


  • Having it all
  • Knowing and loving yourself as completely as possible
  • Seeing the interconnection of all things and people
  • Enhancing your perspective
  • Living life to its fullest
  • Understanding the meaning of life


  • Allowing greed and envy to prevent you from enjoying what you do possess
  • Failing to see the larger design in ordinary events
  • Believing that everything that exists can be touched, counted, or measured
  • Failing to see the divine reflected in those around you