
Ace of Wands

Classic tarot card image of Ace of Wands
  • Someone has the "hots" for you
  • A new job offer is coming your way
  • Walk softly, and carry a big stick
  • desire
  • inspiration
  • vision
  • creation
  • invention


  • Being inspired
  • Identifying an important goal
  • Being given the opportunity to do whatever you want to do
  • Giving or receiving direction
  • Seeing a solution
  • Creating something new
  • Being aroused, sexually or creatively


  • Failing to take advantage of a great opportunity
  • Being ineffectual or lazy
  • Making an inadequate effort
  • Working toward a goal, but lacking the resources or initiative to achieve success
  • Setting inappropriate goals
  • Failing to take a stand

Two of Wands

Classic tarot card image of Two of Wands
  • Beware false friends
  • Don't be mealy-mouthed; say what you think and do what you want to do
  • conflict
  • decision
  • option
  • individuality


  • Having a choice
  • Offering or being offered an option
  • Seeing the value of another person's approach
  • Understanding there's more than one way to "skin a cat"
  • Successfully doing more than one thing at a time
  • Being empowered to make a choice


  • Misrepresenting your intentions
  • Doing one thing while desiring another
  • Changing course mid-stream for no good reason
  • Refusing to change your goal even when pursuing it no longer makes sense
  • Disregarding the input of others

Three of Wands

Classic tarot card image of Three of Wands
  • You'll be planning a trip soon
  • Be on the lookout: your ship is coming in
  • implementation
  • action
  • exploration


  • Putting a plan into motion
  • Taking that critical first step
  • Making good things happen
  • Going beyond your limits
  • Blazing new trails
  • Hitting the ground running
  • Seeing your plans come to fruition


  • Procrastinating
  • Knowing what to do, but refusing to do it
  • Launching a project without a clear definition of who should do what
  • Rejecting an opportunity to try something new
  • Failing to finish what you start

Four of Wands

Classic tarot card image of Four of Wands
  • Someone is watching and evaluating your work
  • You may get a wedding invitation soon
  • celebration
  • jubilation
  • community
  • teamwork
  • completion


  • Sharing in a great celebration
  • Sharing in a communal sense of achievement and success
  • Preparing for a party
  • Working together toward a common goal
  • Giving or winning awards


  • Keeping your nose to the grindstone
  • Recognizing good work by demanding more work
  • Failing to share in a group celebration
  • Allowing sour grapes to poison your moment in the sun
  • Refusing to do your part

Five of Wands

Classic tarot card image of Five of Wands
  • Prepare for a fight with your best friend
  • Remember: once you let words loose, you can't take them back
  • confrontation
  • disruption
  • distinction
  • objection
  • strife


  • Calmly expressing a dissenting opinion
  • Allowing someone to use his or her own methods to get a job done
  • Opening the floor for discussion or debate
  • Comparing progress made so far to standards set earlier


  • Berating others for their ridiculous opinions
  • Picking fights
  • Offering destructive criticism
  • Baiting people with barbed remarks
  • Disrupting progress with an endless stream of pointless objections

Six of Wands

Classic tarot card image of Six of Wands
  • Someone is planning a party for you, but not everyone feels so good about your recent success
  • Watch out for envious friends
  • victory
  • achievement
  • success
  • triumph


  • Outperforming your peers
  • Winning a competition
  • Being recognized as a capable person
  • Having your "moment in the spotlight"
  • Being cheered on by the crowd
  • Getting an award
  • Earning the admiration of others
  • Telling someone, "Good job!"


  • Being a bad winner
  • Allowing your achievements to inflate your ego
  • Looking down on people who seem less capable
  • Craving to be the center of attention
  • Giving or receiving insincere praise
  • Envying the achievements of others

Seven of Wands

Classic tarot card image of Seven of Wands
  • Don't be surprised by a personal attack
  • Prepare to defend yourself or someone you love
  • bravery
  • resolve
  • determination


  • Refusing to be silenced through fear or intimidation
  • Continuing a fight against all odds
  • Being fierce
  • Defending yourself against physical and emotional attacks
  • Refusing to put up with abuse
  • Clinging to your values despite all pressure to abandon them


  • Having a chip on your shoulder
  • Taking unnecessary risks as a means of proving your fearlessness
  • Looking for an opportunity to take offense
  • Responding to constructive criticism with defensiveness
  • Refusing to stand up for yourself and your beliefs

Eight of Wands

Classic tarot card image of Eight of Wands
  • Watch for a surprising letter in the mail
  • Your whole world is about to be turned on its ear
  • speed
  • swiftness
  • responsiveness
  • change


  • Taking swift action
  • Moving forward with a plan as quickly as possible
  • Energizing yourself
  • Adapting to sudden changes
  • Taking setbacks in stride
  • Embracing the idea that nothing stays the same forever
  • Reacting quickly and appropriately to unforeseen problems


  • Giving in to panic
  • Running in circles and screaming
  • Insisting things must always stay the same
  • Stirring the pot just to see what will happen
  • Rushing others
  • Refusing to re-evaluate a schedule or program, even when it's clearly no longer appropriate

Nine of Wands

Classic tarot card image of Nine of Wands
  • Don't relax yet; there's more to come
  • The test you're facing now is happening for one reason: to show you who your real friends are
  • toughness
  • persistence
  • stamina
  • loyalty
  • release


  • Sticking with it for the duration
  • Fulfilling your promises and obligations
  • Bearing up under incredible duress
  • Dragging yourself across the finish line
  • Picking yourself up by your own bootstraps
  • Refusing to quit
  • Going as far as you can go and being satisfied with your performance


  • Making yourself a martyr
  • Abandoning your post
  • Giving up at the first sign of opposition
  • Being prevented from fulfilling an obligation
  • Failing to be dependable
  • Refusing to let something go that needs to be released
  • Beating a dead horse

Ten of Wands

Classic tarot card image of Ten of Wands
  • You're worn out
  • Back off, take a time out, and let someone else handle things for a while
  • exhaustion
  • resistance
  • burden
  • oppression


  • Holding your own in extreme circumstances
  • Helping others carry their burdens
  • Coming to the aid of the oppressed
  • Knowing and being honest about your own limits
  • Recognizing when you are not well-categoryed for a particular task


  • Taking on more work than you know you can handle
  • Refusing to say "No" when you're already overloaded
  • Making a habit of working overtime
  • Shielding others from facing the consequences of their own poor judgment
  • Over-extending yourself on a regular basis

Page of Wands

Classic tarot card image of Page of Wands
  • This card represents a young man or woman with a fiery, enthusiastic demeanor, likely born a Cancer, Leo, or Virgo, who wants to start a new relationship with you
  • enthusiasm
  • eagerness
  • confidence
  • validation
  • affirmation


  • Leaping at a new opportunity
  • Being a cheerleader or ardent advocate for your cause
  • Being a True Believer
  • Taking first steps toward independence
  • Trusting in your own abilities
  • Asking for feedback


  • Basing your entire self-image on what others think
  • Seizing every new idea that comes your way without question
  • Habitually discounting input or feedback from others
  • Being so eager to "do it yourself" that you hinder your own progress

Knight of Wands

Classic tarot card image of Knight of Wands
  • This card represents a man with a bold, passionate personality, likely born between July 12th and August 11th, who wants to sweep you off your feet
  • boldness
  • bravado
  • passion
  • persuasion
  • advocacy


  • Charging ahead
  • Making rapid progress
  • Refusing limits
  • Dazzling those around you with your wit and charm
  • Convincing others of your right to leadership
  • Convincing others to follow you
  • Being a catalyst for change


  • Blundering forward with inadequate skill or information
  • Running roughshod over the feelings of others
  • Using sex appeal to manipulate others
  • Forcing your leadership or ideology on others
  • Beginning many projects without finishing any

Queen of Wands

Classic tarot card image of Queen of Wands
  • This card represents a woman with an attractive, appealing personality, likely born between March 11th and April 20th, who wants to charm you into doing things her way
  • attention
  • attraction
  • unification
  • collaboration


  • Paying close attention
  • Helping others focus on the issue at hand
  • Getting everyone to work together
  • Identifying common ground
  • Bringing people together, despite their differences
  • Using reverse psychology


  • Being distracted, or using your charms or skills to distract others from the goal
  • Calling attention to yourself with negative or unhealthy behaviors
  • Disrupting group activities as a means of feeding your own ego

King of Wands

Classic tarot card image of King of Wands
  • This card represents an older man with a commanding, charismatic personality, likely born between November 13th and December 12th, who prefers to give directions and have them followed
  • creativity
  • ingenuity
  • achievement
  • direction


  • Putting old things together in new and exciting ways
  • Coming up with unexpected solutions
  • Using your experience to solve puzzles and problems
  • Doing what you set out to do
  • Directing the efforts of others


  • Using your creativity to get out of honest work
  • Investing great energy in avoiding responsibility
  • Boasting about achievements without putting your expertise to practical use
  • Lording it over others