
Ace of Swords

Classic tarot card image of Ace of Swords
  • The time to make a choice is now
  • Stop wavering and do what you know is best
  • logic
  • objectivity
  • intellect
  • choice


  • Making objective decisions
  • Applying logic
  • Reasoning your way out of a difficult situation
  • Solving puzzles
  • Thinking things through
  • Emphasizing the facts
  • Clearing your mind
  • Seeking clarity


  • Applying ruthless or twisted logic
  • Gloating over your own superior intellect
  • Using quick thinking to deceive or confuse others
  • Confusing snap judgments with quick thinking
  • Making decisions without thinking through consequences

Two of Swords

Classic tarot card image of Two of Swords
  • Sometimes, the only way to win is to refuse to fight
  • You're stuck for now; let time pass before taking action
  • denial
  • debate
  • impasse
  • truce


  • Refusing to make a decision without getting the facts
  • Exploring both sides of an argument
  • Arguing passionately for what you believe in
  • Weighing the issues
  • Encouraging the open exchange of ideas
  • Discussing political or religious issues without getting "hot under the collar"


  • Rejecting evidence that conflicts with dearly-held beliefs
  • Arguing with others just for the sake of doing so
  • Nit-picking
  • Putting off a decision because you're afraid to face the consequences
  • Preventing others from getting the information they need to make good decisions

Three of Swords

Classic tarot card image of Three of Swords
  • Breakups and infidelity abound
  • What hurts now, though, will turn out to be good for you later on
  • variance
  • difference
  • dissatisfaction
  • heartache
  • rejection


  • Being brave enough to see things as they really are
  • Exercising your critical eye
  • Being your own best critic
  • Acknowledging that things don't always turn out as planned
  • Moving past heartbreak to embrace a painful truth


  • Wallowing in despair
  • Allowing yourself to be completely crushed by the thoughts, words, or deeds of another
  • Judging yourself too harshly
  • Holding yourself to an unrealistic standard of excellence
  • Wearing your heart on your sleeve while carrying a chip on your shoulder

Four of Swords

Classic tarot card image of Four of Swords
  • Don't make any decision now
  • Wait, and you'll be glad you did
  • meditation
  • contemplation
  • perspective
  • mindset


  • Thinking over your plans before putting them into action
  • Pausing to meditate or clear your mind
  • Taking time to understand someone or something before criticizing it
  • Resting
  • Occupying your thoughts with a healthy distraction


  • Failing to think things through
  • Mistaking procrastination for thoughtfulness
  • Adopting a point of view and refusing to reconsider your conclusions, even when presented with refuting evidence
  • Allowing chaos and whimsy to dominate your thoughts

Five of Swords

Classic tarot card image of Five of Swords
  • Someone is stealing from you, financially or romantically
  • Be wary of friends who talk behind your back
  • selfishness
  • hostility
  • irrationality
  • self-preservation


  • Acting in your own best interest
  • Choosing to stand up for yourself
  • Not backing down from disagreement and discord
  • Taking a stand
  • Refusing to go along with an unethical plan
  • Knowing when to bend the rules


  • Taking advantage of others
  • Intimidating others
  • Acting in an unethical manner
  • Picking fights
  • Using words to goad others into violence and irrationality
  • Ignoring rules you've agreed to abide by
  • Looking out for yourself while allowing harm to come to others
  • Gloating over victory

Six of Swords

Classic tarot card image of Six of Swords
  • You'll soon go on a long journey over water
  • Actions have unexpected consequences, so be prepared
  • adaptation
  • adjustments
  • science
  • travel


  • Making the best of a bad situation
  • Recovering from defeat
  • Resetting expectations
  • Making allowances for unexpected circumstances
  • Helping others who find themselves in dire circumstances
  • Changing the way you see the world
  • Broadening your perspective through study or travel


  • Refusing to accept that things have changed
  • Playing the victim
  • Rejecting the idea that your actions have consequences
  • Applying scientific criteria to matters of faith, or confusing faith with science
  • Believing the whole world should be like your small corner of it

Seven of Swords

Classic tarot card image of Seven of Swords
  • Don't assume people around you are worthy of your trust
  • Ask for an accounting of where people have been, and what they've been doing
  • dishonesty
  • presumption
  • sneakiness
  • assumptions


  • Refusing to do something dishonest, even when there's no chance of ever being caught
  • Handling a difficult situation with finesse
  • Pointing out assumptions
  • Acting ethically in public and in private
  • Living a life that is beyond reproach


  • Stealing or lying
  • Doing whatever you can get away with, simply because you can
  • Looking for a way around consequences
  • Justifying wicked behavior by focusing on the wickedness of others
  • Failing to examine your own motives and prejudices

Eight of Swords

Classic tarot card image of Eight of Swords
  • Get over playing the victim
  • Once you realize you are your own biggest obstacle, nothing can hold you back
  • restriction
  • limitation
  • confinement
  • helplessness


  • Honoring limits
  • Respecting the rules
  • Deciding to go on a diet for your health's sake
  • Recognizing you cannot always be in control
  • Identifying obstacles to further progress
  • Refusing to think about unhealthy or unethical options
  • Asking for assistance


  • Feeling trapped
  • Being lost in a maze of rules and regulations
  • Giving in to despair
  • Playing the victim
  • Allowing others to dictate what you can and cannot do
  • Being rendered helpless
  • Having very few options
  • Failing to look for a way out

Nine of Swords

Classic tarot card image of Nine of Swords
  • If you take the action you're considering now, you'll be sorry in the future
  • remorse
  • worry
  • distraught
  • conclusion


  • Refusing to worry about what you cannot control
  • Rejecting anxiety
  • Judging your own performance with kindness and gentleness
  • Using meditation to quiet a troubled mind
  • Confronting nightmares and fears
  • Drawing a conclusion and putting an issue out of your mind


  • Torturing yourself with regrets
  • Second-guessing your every move
  • Beating yourself up for your mistakes
  • Depression
  • Obsessing on errors and overlooked details
  • Refusing to handle stress in healthy ways
  • Ruining your ability to appreciate the present by dwelling on the past
  • Debating irreversible decisions

Ten of Swords

Classic tarot card image of Ten of Swords
  • Disaster
  • Put off plans and do not take action until omens are better
  • exhaustion
  • ruin
  • disaster
  • stamina
  • obsession


  • Seeing the signs that you've reached your limits
  • Paying attention to what your body is trying to tell you
  • Giving in to the need for rest and renewal
  • Acknowledging that you've hit bottom
  • Committing to a turnaround
  • Knowing the worst is over


  • Accepting defeat prematurely
  • Driving yourself to total exhaustion, especially mentally
  • Experiencing a mental breakdown
  • Obsessing on a problem to the breaking point
  • Giving up
  • Refusing to move from thought to action
  • Deeply unhealthy thoughts

Page of Swords

Classic tarot card image of Page of Swords
  • This card represents a young man or woman with an airy, intellectual demeanor, likely born a Capricorn, Aquarius, or Pisces, who wants to learn something new from you or have a discussion with you
  • student
  • apprentice
  • scholarship
  • information


  • Pursuing a course of study
  • Asking good questions
  • Investing time in study and practice
  • Doing research
  • Making a habit of learning new things
  • Starting an investigation
  • Outlining what you need to know
  • Finding a mentor or teacher


  • Pretending to knowledge or sophistication you do not possess
  • Cheating on an exam
  • Feigning interest as a way of gaining favor
  • Considering only the evidence that supports conclusions you've already drawn
  • Rejecting the wise counsel of experienced teachers

Knight of Swords

Classic tarot card image of Knight of Swords
  • A blunder leads someone to say something he or she regrets
  • If this was you, be prepared to apologize and move on
  • bluntness
  • intelligence
  • incisiveness
  • investigation


  • Speaking your mind
  • Making your opinions known
  • Offering constructive criticism
  • Sharing your knowledge
  • Making insightful observations
  • Pinpointing the problem
  • Clarifying what others have said
  • Giving clear direction to others
  • Uncovering the truth


  • Stating your opinions as fact
  • Picking fights
  • Starting arguments
  • Using clever insults to undermine the confidence of others
  • Tossing reason out the window
  • Speaking without taking the feelings of others into account
  • Going on a witch hunt
  • Distorting evidence

Queen of Swords

Classic tarot card image of Queen of Swords
  • This card represents a woman with an artistic, intellectual nature, likely born between September 12th and October 12th, who uses clever, positive communication to sway others to her point of view
  • grace
  • skill
  • wit
  • charm
  • aptitude


  • Exercising tact or using diplomacy
  • Defusing a tense situation
  • Knowing what to say and how to say it
  • Making others feel comfortable and confident
  • Bringing out the best in everyone
  • Having a way with words
  • Telling jokes
  • Possessing a knack for music, math, art, or science


  • Knowing exactly what to say to destroy another person
  • Withholding critical information
  • Using a barbed tongue to upset others
  • Employing sarcasm
  • Mimicking others unkindly
  • Making light of the less fortunate
  • Being disrespectful
  • Failing to use the talent you've been given

King of Swords

Classic tarot card image of King of Swords
  • This card represents an older man with an insightful, deliberate spirit, likely born between May 11th and June 10th, who is known for his integrity and sharp decision-making ability
  • genius
  • expertise
  • decision
  • verdict


  • Expressing yourself with firmness and authority
  • Rendering a final decision
  • Consulting an expert
  • Calling in advisors and consultants
  • Coming to a final conclusion
  • Reaching a beneficial agreement based on sound information


  • Insisting on having the last word
  • Flaunting your intellectual capability
  • Talking "over the heads" of others
  • Waffling on an important decision
  • Constantly changing your mind
  • Refusing to make choices that are in your own best interest
  • Wishing in vain you could take back what's been said