
Ace of Pentacles

Classic tarot card image of Ace of Pentacles
  • Your health will improve
  • The check you're looking for really is in the mail
  • health
  • wealth
  • practicality
  • receiving


  • Outlining a plan for achieving prosperity
  • Becoming aware of opportunities to improve income or health
  • Realizing you have everything you need
  • Appreciating everything the Universe has given you
  • Receiving the perfect gift at the perfect time


  • Indulging in relentless consumerism
  • Wanting more, no matter how much you have
  • Obsessing on your account balance
  • Suffering from hypochondria
  • Consuming blessings without expressing gratitude
  • Taking what you want without concern for the needs of others

Two of Pentacles

Classic tarot card image of Two of Pentacles
  • It's time to balance the budget
  • Avoid the temptation to spend critical funds on frivolous goods
  • evaluation
  • decision
  • budgeting
  • diagnosis


  • Weighing options
  • Comparing prices
  • Determining the value of one option over another
  • Juggling resources to make ends meet
  • Making difficult choices based on what's best for your body or your bankbook
  • Looking at the bottom line
  • Asking for a second opinion on health issues


  • Engaging in endless price comparison
  • Putting off a buying decision for fear of finding a slightly better value later on
  • Buying something without regard for value
  • Breaking your budget with unnecessary expenses
  • Engaging in behavior with no regard for how your body or bankbook will be impacted

Three of Pentacles

Classic tarot card image of Three of Pentacles
  • A high-dollar contract is in your future
  • If you work hard, you'll succeed
  • expression
  • production
  • work
  • contribution


  • Finishing a project
  • Setting and meeting standards
  • Performing according to specifications
  • Making something others value
  • Creating something new
  • Doing your part in a group project
  • Delivering exactly what others have asked for


  • Pandering to the tastes of others
  • Failing to deliver what you've promised
  • Not delivering your best work unless closely supervised
  • Ignoring or breaking agreements with those who have invested in you
  • Refusing to do your part
  • Failing to abide by a clearly-outlined agreement with yourself or others

Four of Pentacles

Classic tarot card image of Four of Pentacles
  • A rainy day is coming—it's time to save
  • protection
  • conservation
  • preservation
  • safety


  • Saving for a rainy day
  • Fasting as part of a spiritual practice
  • Dieting in an effort to improve your body
  • Abstaining from sex as a way of honoring a spiritual tradition or personal promise
  • Being financially conservative
  • Establishing a trust fund
  • Opening a savings account


  • Being stingy
  • Refusing to spend money that needs to be spent
  • Withholding sex from your partner
  • Taking care of your own needs exclusively, without regard for the needs of others
  • Spending a dollar to save a penny
  • Failing to be a good manager of the blessings you've been given

Five of Pentacles

Classic tarot card image of Five of Pentacles
  • Finances are getting tighter
  • Prepare for a setback
  • poverty
  • destitution
  • need
  • crisis


  • Recognizing your needs and taking action to fulfill them
  • Doing as much as you can do with what little you have
  • Admitting you need help
  • Embracing the aid that comes your way
  • Focusing on what you have versus what you don't
  • Looking for the light at the end of the tunnel


  • Exaggerating your financial or physical needs
  • Adopting a poverty mentality
  • Refusing to support yourself
  • Refusing offers of support
  • Playing the martyr
  • Turning down opportunities to improve your health or finances
  • Wallowing in misery

Six of Pentacles

Classic tarot card image of Six of Pentacles
  • When you need help, ask for it
  • Remember, though: what you receive may be limited by what you've given to others in the past
  • charity
  • fairness
  • cooperation
  • sharing


  • Giving time, money, or effort to a charity
  • Taking part in a group effort
  • Lending your resources to others without expecting anything in return
  • Making sure everyone is treated equally
  • Working together toward a common goal
  • Redistributing wealth, time, or attention
  • Tithing
  • Sharing credit for your success


  • Making a loan as a means of gaining control over someone
  • Using charitable acts to draw attention to yourself
  • Dividing work or resources unfairly
  • Failing to do your part in a group effort
  • Ignoring obligations and commitments

Seven of Pentacles

Classic tarot card image of Seven of Pentacles
  • Things won't work out as expected
  • Pick up the pieces and prepare to move on
  • assessment
  • evaluation
  • re-evaluation
  • reflection


  • Measuring progress toward your goal
  • Looking at results with an eye toward improving performance
  • Asking, "How happy am I?"
  • Coming up with ideas for improving your health or prosperity
  • Deciding it's time for a change
  • Expressing an honest opinion


  • Becoming distracted by melancholy thoughts
  • Longing for "the good old days"
  • Beating yourself up over lost opportunities
  • Judging your own work harshly
  • Holding others to inappropriate standards
  • Refusing to take part in a project, then whining about the quality of the outcome

Eight of Pentacles

Classic tarot card image of Eight of Pentacles
  • Stop over-analyzing, researching, and outlining
  • Buckle down and get the work done
  • effort
  • work diligence
  • skill


  • Doing your best
  • Bringing enthusiasm and zeal to your work
  • Making an effort to be the best you can be
  • Finding the work that is right for you
  • Taking care of the small details
  • Becoming a finely skilled craftsperson
  • Building something with your hands
  • Making a handmade gift


  • Working yourself to death
  • Doing a half-hearted or sloppy job
  • Continuing in a job you hate
  • Buying thoughtless gifts
  • Producing work with shoddy craftsmanship
  • Rushing through your work
  • Rejecting opportunities to learn more about your craft

Nine of Pentacles

Classic tarot card image of Nine of Pentacles
  • Until you appreciate what you have, you won't have any luck getting more
  • training
  • discipline
  • confidence
  • enough


  • Investing time in learning or teaching a difficult task
  • Restraining yourself from physical or financial extremes
  • Making sacrifices as a way of achieving larger goals
  • Breaking a complex task down into simple steps
  • Wanting what you have
  • Knowing the difference between needs and wants


  • Being assigned to a task without being trained to perform it
  • Pursuing a position for which you are not qualified
  • Disregarding requirements
  • Refusing to dedicate adequate time or attention when learning about something or someone new
  • Always craving more

Ten of Pentacles

Classic tarot card image of Ten of Pentacles
  • Big money is in the near future
  • Expect a powerful blessing to come your way
  • wealth
  • abundance
  • acquisition
  • greed


  • Celebrating your physical and financial blessings
  • Realizing how lucky or how blessed you are
  • Being satisfied with your physical and financial achievements
  • Taking best advantage of "times of plenty"
  • Enjoying a feast
  • Showering friends or family with gifts


  • Spending all of your money on extravagant gifts and possessions
  • Trying too hard to impress others with your wealth or physique
  • Giving an inappropriately expensive gift as a means of currying favor
  • Obsessing on matters of weight, health, or finance
  • Always asking, "What's in it for me?"

Page of Pentacles

Classic tarot card image of Page of Pentacles
  • This card represents a young man or woman with an earthy, practical demeanor, likely born an Aries, Taurus, or Gemini, who playfully encourages you to take financial or sexual risks
  • practicality
  • prosperity
  • learning
  • growth
  • adolescence


  • Learning the value of a dollar
  • Starting a savings plan
  • Taking the first steps toward getting out of debt
  • Learning new physical tasks
  • Discovering your sexuality
  • Launching a diet, a weight-lifting program, or a health-related effort
  • Learning by doing


  • Trying to appear healthier or wealthier than you really are
  • Spending money carelessly
  • Living strictly for today, with no thought of tomorrow
  • Possessing immature attitudes toward sex and sexuality
  • Using wealth or beauty as an excuse for not having to learn and grow

Knight of Pentacles

Classic tarot card image of Knight of Pentacles
  • A stingy person may chide you for spending money
  • Be prepared to defend an economic or sexual decision
  • caution
  • focus
  • realism
  • invention


  • Spending money wisely
  • Saving for a rainy day
  • Paying close attention to physical or financial details
  • Knowing where every dollar goes
  • Having safe sex
  • Preferring facts to "good feelings"
  • Finding creative ways to "make do" with resources on hand
  • Completing a new invention


  • Throwing caution to the four winds
  • Spending without regard for consequence
  • Spending on luxury when necessities are lacking
  • Escaping stress by spending money
  • Obsessing on tiny physical or financial details
  • Perpetually chasing after some new bauble
  • Copying another's work and claiming it as your own

Queen of Pentacles

Classic tarot card image of Queen of Pentacles
  • This card represents a woman with an expansive, sensual nature, likely born between December 13th and 31st, who uses sensual appeal and the promise of reward to sway others to her point of view
  • luxury
  • comfort
  • resourcefulness
  • generosity
  • prosperity


  • Appreciating fine food, fine wine, beautiful art, beautiful bodies, or any of the better things in life
  • Reveling in healthy sexuality
  • Treating yourself
  • Splurging on the occasional "nice to have" item
  • Rewarding someone with compensation above and beyond expectations
  • Having it all


  • Indulging in gluttony or greediness
  • Becoming insatiable
  • Blunting the impact of treats by indulging in them too often
  • Providing physical comfort without providing for emotional needs
  • Allowing a feeling of entitlement to distort your gratitude for what you're given

King of Pentacles

Classic tarot card image of King of Pentacles
  • This card represents an older man with a financially, socially, and politically conservative spirit, likely born between August 12th and September 11th, who is known for putting his money where his mouth is
  • stability
  • dependability
  • confidence
  • intervention


  • Becoming debt-free
  • Having more than enough to get by
  • Making contributions to a savings plan
  • Taking a new job with an eye toward advancing your career
  • Buying life or health insurance
  • Being confident in the bedroom
  • Taking on the role of enforcer when called upon to do so


  • Becoming so conservative you resist all change on principle alone
  • Ignoring innovations in the name of preserving tradition
  • Being smug or cocky
  • Becoming ruthlessly dedicated to profit or pleasure
  • Being sexually selfish
  • Bossing others around, especially when you're not empowered to do so